Journal articles

Journal articles

  • DM Dehling, HR Lai, DB Stouffer. Eltonian niche modelling: applying joint hierarchical niche models to ecological networks. Ecology Letters (accepted).

  • LP Martins, DB Stouffer, C Emer, M Galetti, MA Pizo, FR da Silva, JM Tylianakis. Determinants of species' centrality in spatially-connected plant-frugivore networks. Ecography (accepted).

  • B Humphrey, M Glass, J Hill, AJ Osborne, DB Stouffer, A Nobel, WS Helton, S Chen, XJ Nelson. The effect of delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol and methamphetamine on sustained attention in the jumping spider (Trite planiceps). Journal of Comparative Psychology (in press).

  • B Humphrey, DB Stouffer, A Moser-Rust, WS Helton, RC Grace, XJ Nelson. The effect of interstimulus interval on sustained attention. Behavioural Processes 222, 105097 (2024).

  • LP Martins, DB Stouffer, PG Blendinger, K Böhning-Gaese, JM Costa, DM Dehling, CI Donatti, C Emer, M Galetti, R Heleno, Í Menezes, JC Morante-Filho, MC Muñoz, EL Neuschulz, MA Pizo, M Quitián, RA Ruggera, F Saavedra, V Santillán, M Schleuning, LP da Silva, FR da Silva, JA Tobias, A Traveset, MGR Vollstädt, JM Tylianakis. Birds optimize fruit size consumed near their geographic range limits. Science 385(7606), 331–336 (2024).

  • HR Lai, PJ Bellingham, JK McCarthy, SJ Richardson, SK Wiser, DB Stouffer. Detecting nonadditive biotic interactions and assessing their biological relevance among temperate rainforest trees. The American Naturalist 204(2), 105–120 (2024).
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  • MD Bimler, DB Stouffer, TE Martyn, MM Mayfield. Plant interaction networks reveal the limits of our understanding of diversity maintenance. Ecology Letters 27(2), e14376 (2024).
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  • A Cervantes-Loreto, AI Pastore, CRP Brown, ML Marraffini, C Aldebert, MM Mayfield, DB Stouffer. Environmental context, parameter sensitivity, and structural sensitivity impact predictions of annual-plant coexistence. Ecological Monographs 93(4), e1592 (2023).
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  • R Runghen, C Llopis-Belenguer, MR McNeill, GV Dalla Riva, DB Stouffer. Using network analysis to study and manage human-mediated dispersal of exotic species. Biological Invasions 25, 3369–3389 (2023).
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  • G Peralta, C Webber, GLW Perry, DB Stouffer, DP Vázquez, JM Tylianakis. Scale-dependent effects of landscape structure on pollinator traits, species interactions and pollination success. Ecography 2023(5), e06453 (2023).
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  • MD Bimler, MM Mayfield, TE Martyn, DB Stouffer. Estimating interaction strengths for diverse horizontal systems using performance data. Methods in Ecology & Evolution 14(3), 968–980 (2023).
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  • DB Stouffer. A critical examination of models of annual-plant population dynamics and density-dependent fecundity. Methods in Ecology & Evolution 13(11), 2516–2530 (2022).
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  • LP Martins, DB Stouffer, PG Blendinger, K Böhning-Gaese, G Buitrón-Jurado, M Correia, JM Costa, DM Dehling, CI Donatti, C Emer, M Galetti, R Heleno, P Jordano, Í Menezes, JC Morante-Filho, MC Muñoz, EL Neuschulz, MA Pizo, M Quitián, RA Ruggera, F Saavedra, V Santillán, M Schleuning, LP da Silva, FR da Silva, S Timóteo, A Traveset, MGR Vollstädt, JM Tylianakis. Global and regional ecological boundaries explain abrupt changes in avian frugivory interactions. Nature Communications 13, 6943 (2022).
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  • R Runghen, DB Stouffer, GV Dalla Riva. Exploiting node metadata to predict interactions in bipartite networks using graph embedding and neural networks. Royal Society Open Science 9(8), 220079 (2022).
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  • L Chalmandrier, DB Stouffer, AST Purcell, WG Lee, AJ Tanentzap, DC Laughlin. Predictions of biodiversity are improved by integrating trait-based competition with abiotic filtering. Ecology Letters 25(5), 1277–1289 (2022).
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  • DM Dehling, GV Dalla Riva, MC Hutchinson, DB Stouffer. Niche packing and local coexistence in a megadiverse guild of frugivorous birds are mediated by fruit dependence and shifts in interaction frequencies. The American Naturalist 199(6), 855–868 (2022).
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  • HR Lai, KY Chong, ATK Yee, MM Mayfield, DB Stouffer. Non-additive biotic interactions improve predictions of tropical tree growth and impact community size structure. Ecology 103(2), e03588 (2022).
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  • J Llewelyn, G Strona, MC McDowell, CN Johnson, KJ Peters, DB Stouffer, SN de Visser, F Saltré, CJA Bradshaw. Sahul's megafauna were vulnerable to plant-community changes due to their position in the trophic network. Ecography 2022(1), e06089 (2022).
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  • M Novak, DB Stouffer. Geometric complexity and the information-theoretic comparison of functional-response models. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 9, 740362 (2021).
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  • P Capdevila, I Stott, I Oliveras Menor, DB Stouffer, RLG Raimundo, H White, M Barbour, R Salguero-Gómez. Reconciling resilience across ecological systems, species and subdisciplines. Journal of Ecology 109(9), 3102–3113 (2021).
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  • DM Dehling, IMA Bender, PG Blendinger, K Böhning-Gaese, MC Muñoz, EL Neuschulz, M Quitián, F Saavedra, V Santillán, M Schleuning, DB Stouffer. Specialists and generalists fulfil important and complementary functional roles in ecological processes. Functional Ecology 38(8), 1810–1821 (2021).
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  • A Cervantes-Loreto, CA Ayers, EK Dobbs, BJ Brosi, DB Stouffer. The context dependency of pollinator interference: how environmental conditions and co-foraging species impact floral visitation. Ecology Letters 24(7), 1443–1454 (2021).
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  • L Chalmandrier, F Hartig, DC Laughlin, H Lischke, M Pichler, DB Stouffer, L Pellissier. Linking functional traits and demography to model species-rich communities. Nature Communications 12, 2724 (2021).
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  • R Runghen, B Bramon Mora, A Godoy-Lorite, DB Stouffer. Assessing unintended human-mediated dispersal using visitation networks. Journal of Applied Ecology 58(4), 777–788 (2021).
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  • TE Martyn, DB Stouffer, O Godoy, I Bartomeus, AI Pastore, MM Mayfield. Identifying 'useful' fitness models: balancing the benefits of added complexity with realistic data requirements in models of individual plant fitness. The American Naturalist 197(4), 415–433 (2021).
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  • DB Stouffer, M Novak. Hidden layers of density dependence in consumer feeding rates. Ecology Letters 24(3), 520–532 (2021).
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  • M Novak, DB Stouffer. Systematic bias in studies of consumer functional responses. Ecology Letters 24(3), 580–593 (2021).
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  • C Coux, I Donoso, JM Tylianakis, D García, D Martínez, DM Dehling, DB Stouffer. Tricky partners: native plants show stronger interaction preferences than their exotic counterparts. Ecology 11(2), e03239 (2021).
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  • B Bramon Mora, E Shin, P CarraDonna, DB Stouffer. Untangling the seasonal dynamics of plant-pollinator communities. Nature Communications 11, 4086 (2020).
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  • J Xiao, Y Li, C Chu, Y Wang, SJ Meiners, DB Stouffer. Higher-order interactions mitigate direct negative effects on population dynamics of herbaceous plants during succession. Environmental Research Letters 15(7), 074023 (2020).
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  • DM Dehling, G Peralta, IMA Bender, PG Blendinger, K Böhning-Gaese, MC Muñoz, EL Neuschulz, M Quitián, F Saavedra, V Santillán, M Schleuning, DB Stouffer. Similar composition of functional roles in Andean seed-dispersal networks, despite high species and interaction turnover. Ecology 101(7), e03028 (2020).
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  • AR Cirtwill, GV Dalla Riva, NJ Baker, M Ohlsson, I Norström, I-M Wohlfarth, JA Thia, DB Stouffer. Related plants tend to share pollinators and herbivores, but strength of phylogenetic signal varies among plant families. New Phytologist 226(3), 909–920 (2020).
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  • G Peralta, DB Stouffer, EM Bringa, DP Vázquez. No such thing as a free lunch: interaction costs and the structure and stability of mutualistic networks. Oikos 129(4), 503–511 (2020).
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  • C Llopis-Belenguer, I Blasco-Costa, JA Balbuena, V Sarabeev, DB Stouffer. Native and invasive hosts play different roles in host-parasite networks. Ecography 43(4), 559–568 (2020).
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  • M Delgado-Baquerizo, G Doulcier, DJ Eldridge, DB Stouffer, FT Maestre, J Wang, JR Powell, TC Jeffries, BK Singh. Increases in aridity lead to drastic shifts in the assembly of dryland complex microbial networks. Land Degradation & Development 31(3), 346–355 (2020).
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  • C Albouy, P Archambault, W Appeltans, MB Araújo, D Beauchesne, K Cazelles, AR Cirtwill, M-J Fortin, N Galiana, SJ Leroux, L Pellissier, T Poisot, DB Stouffer, SA Wood, D Gravel. The marine fish food web is globally connected. Nature Ecology & Evolution 3, 1153–1161 (2019).
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  • B Baiser, D Gravel, AR Cirtwill, JA Dunne, AK Fahimipour, LJ Gilarranz, JA Grochow, D Li, ND Martinez, A McGrew, T Poisot, TN Romanuk, DB Stouffer, LB Trotta, FS Valdovinos, RJ Williams, SA Wood, JD Yeakel. Ecogeographical rules and the macroecology of food webs. Global Ecology and Biogeography 28(9), 1204–1218 (2019).
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  • EF Cagua, KL Wootton, DB Stouffer. Keystoneness, centrality, and the structural controllability of ecological networks. Journal of Ecology 107(4), 1779–1790 (2019).
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  • D Gravel, B Baiser, JA Dunne, J-P Kopelke, ND Martinez, T Nyman, T Poisot, DB Stouffer, JM Tylianakis, SA Wood, T Roslin. Bringing Elton and Grinnell together: a quantitative framework to represent the biogeography of ecological interaction networks. Ecography 42(3), 401–415 (2019).
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  • DB Stouffer. All ecological models are wrong, but some are useful. Journal of Animal Ecology 88(2), 192–195 (2019).
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  • B Bramon Mora, GV Dalla Riva, DB Stouffer. Unmasking common structural patterns in incidence matrices: an application to ecological data. Journal of the Royal Society Interface 16(151), 20180747 (2019).
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  • AD Letten, DB Stouffer. The mechanistic basis for higher-order interactions and non-additivity in competitive communities. Ecology Letters 22(3), 423–436 (2019).
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  • MC Hutchinson, B Bramon Mora, S Pilosof, AK Barner, S Kéfi, E Thébault, P Jordano, DB Stouffer. Seeing the forest for the trees: putting multilayer networks to work for community ecology. Functional Ecology 33(2), 206–217 (2019).
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  • BI Simmons, AR Cirtwill, NJ Baker, HS Wauchope, LV Dicks, DB Stouffer, WJ Sutherland. Motifs in bipartite ecological networks: uncovering indirect interactions. Oikos 128(2), 154–170 (2019).
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  • C Aldebert, DB Stouffer. Community dynamics and sensitivity to model structure: toward a probabilistic view of process-based model predictions. Journal of the Royal Society Interface 15(149), 20180741 (2018).
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  • DM Dehling, DB Stouffer. Bringing the Eltonian niche into functional diversity. Oikos 127(12), 1711–1723 (2018).
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  • B Bramon Mora, D Gravel, LJ Gilarranz, T Poisot, DB Stouffer. Identifying a common backbone of interactions underlying food webs from different ecosystems. Nature Communications 9, 2603 (2018).
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  • MD Bimler, DB Stouffer, HR Lai, MM Mayfield. Accurate predictions of coexistence in natural systems require the inclusion of facilitative interactions and environmental dependency. Journal of Ecology 106(5), 1839–1852 (2018).
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  • MC Hutchinson, MP Gaiarsa, DB Stouffer. Contemporary ecological interactions improve models of past trait evolution. Systematic Biology 67(5), 861–872 (2018).
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  • AR Cirtwill, T Roslin, C Rasmussen, JM Olesen, DB Stouffer. Between-year changes in community composition shape species' roles in an Arctic plant-pollinator network. Oikos 127(8), 1163–1176 (2018).
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  • DB Stouffer, CE Wainwright, T Flanagan, MM Mayfield. Cyclic population dynamics and density-dependent intransitivity as pathways to coexistence between co-occurring annual plants. Journal of Ecology 106(3), 838–851 (2018).
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  • T Poisot, DB Stouffer. Interactions retain the co-phylogenetic matching that communities lost. Oikos 127(2), 230–238 (2018).
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  • TD Northfield, SGW Laurance, MM Mayfield, DR Paini, WE Snyder, DB Stouffer, JT Wright, L Lach. Native turncoats and indirect facilitation of species invasions. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B 285(1871), 20171936 (2018).
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  • I Donoso, D García, D Martínez, JM Tylianakis, DB Stouffer. Complementary effects of species abundances and ecological neighborhood on the occurrence of fruit-frugivore interaction. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 5, 133 (2017).
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  • A Lustig, DB Stouffer, C Doscher, SP Worner. Landscape metrics as a framework to measure the effect of landscape structure on the spread of invasive insect species. Landscape Ecology 32(12), 2311–2325 (2017).
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  • MC Hutchinson, EF Cagua, DB Stouffer. Cophylogenetic signal is detectable in pollination interactions across ecological scales. Ecology 98(10), 2640–2652 (2017).
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  • AR Cirtwill, C Lagrue, R Poulin, DB Stouffer. Host taxonomy constrains the properties of trophic transmission routes for parasites in lake food webs. Ecology 98(9), 2401–2412 (2017).
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  • A Lustig, SP Worner, JPW Pitt, C Doscher, DB Stouffer, SD Senay. A modelling framework for the establishment and spread of invasive species in heterogeneous environments. Ecology and Evolution 7(20), 8338–8348 (2017).
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  • MC Hutchinson, EF Cagua, JA Balbuena, DB Stouffer, T Poisot. paco: implementing Procrustean Approach to Cophylogeny in R. Methods in Ecology & Evolution 8(8), 932–940 (2017).
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  • E Delmas, U Brose, D Gravel, DB Stouffer, T Poisot. Simulations of biomass dynamics in community food webs. Methods in Ecology & Evolution 8(7), 881–886 (2017).
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  • MM Mayfield, DB Stouffer. Higher-order interactions capture unexplained complexity in diverse communities. Nature Ecology & Evolution 1, 0062 (2017).
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  • O Godoy, DB Stouffer, NJB Kraft, JM Levine. Intransitivity is infrequent and fails to promote annual plant coexistence without pairwise niche differences. Ecology 98(5), 1193–1200 (2017).
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  • T Poisot, DB Stouffer, S Kéfi. Describe, understand and predict: why do we need networks in ecology? Functional Ecology 30(12), 1878–1882 (2016).
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  • KL Wootton, DB Stouffer. Species' traits and food-web complexity interactively affect a food web's response to press disturbance. Ecosphere 7(11), e01518 (2016).
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  • AR Cirtwill, DB Stouffer. Knowledge of predator-prey interactions improves predictions of immigration and extinction in island biogeography. Global Ecology and Biogeography 25(7), 900–911 (2016).
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  • KL Wootton, DB Stouffer. Many weak interactions and few strong; food-web feasibility depends on the combination of the strength of species' interactions and their correct arrangement. Theoretical Ecology 9(2), 185–195 (2016).
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  • T Poisot, D Gravel, S Leroux, SA Wood, M-J Fortin, B Baiser, AR Cirtwill, MB Araújo, DB Stouffer. Synthetic datasets and community tools for the rapid testing of ecological hypotheses. Ecography 39(4), 402–408 (2016).
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  • T Poisot, AR Cirtwill, K Cazelles, D Gravel, M-J Fortin, DB Stouffer. The structure of probabilistic networks. Methods in Ecology & Evolution 7(3), 303–312 (2016).
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  • GV Dalla Riva, DB Stouffer. Exploring the evolutionary signature of food webs' backbones using functional traits. Oikos 125(5), 446–456 (2016).
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  • A Eklöf, DB Stouffer. The phylogenetic component of food-web structure and intervality. Theoretical Ecology 9(1), 107–115 (2016).
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  • T Poisot, B Baiser, JA Dunne, S Kéfi, F Massol, N Mouquet, TN Romanuk, DB Stouffer, SA Wood, D Gravel. mangal - making complex ecological network analysis simple. Ecography 39(4), 384–390 (2016).
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  • JA Thia, ML Hale, DB Stouffer, HM Chapman. Limited dispersal into appropriate microhabitats likely explains recruitment failure in a chimpanzee-dependent tree species. African Journal of Ecology 54(1), 121–124 (2016).
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  • AR Cirtwill, DB Stouffer, R Poulin, C Lagrue. Are parasite richness and abundance linked to prey species richness and individual feeding preferences in fish hosts? Parasitology 143(1), 75–86 (2016).
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  • AR Cirtwill, DB Stouffer, TN Romanuk. Latitudinal gradients in biotic niche breadth vary across ecosystem types. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B 282(1819), 20151589 (2015).
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  • A Lustig, DB Stouffer, M Roigé, SP Worner. Towards more predictable and consistent landscape metrics across spatial scales. Ecological Indicators 57, 11–21 (2015).
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  • AR Cirtwill, DB Stouffer. Concomitant predation on parasites is highly variable but constrains the ways in which parasites contribute to food-web structure. Journal of Animal Ecology 84(3), 734–744 (2015).
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  • T Poisot, DB Stouffer, D Gravel. Beyond species: why ecological interaction networks vary through space and time. Oikos 124(3), 243–251 (2015).
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  • NJ Baker, R Kaartinen, T Roslin, DB Stouffer. Species' roles in food webs show fidelity across a highly variable oak forest. Ecography 38(2), 130–139 (2015).
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  • DB Stouffer, AR Cirtwill, J Bascompte. How exotic plants integrate into pollination networks. Journal of Ecology 102(6), 1442–1450 (2014).
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  • JE Lavabre, DB Stouffer, R Sanz, J Bascompte. Seed dispersal in heterogeneous landscapes: linking field observations with spatially explicit models. Oikos 123(11), 1355–1364 (2014).
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  • D García, D Martínez, DB Stouffer, JM Tylianakis. Exotic birds increase generalization and compensate for native bird decline in plant-frugivore assemblages. Journal of Animal Ecology 83(6), 1441–1450 (2014).
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  • S Saavedra, DB Stouffer. "Disentangling nestedness" disentangled. Nature 500(7463), E1–E3 (2013).
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  • H Tomimatsu, T Sasaki, H Kurokawa, JR Bridle, C Fontaine, DB Stouffer, M Vellend, M Bezemer, T Fukami, E Hadly, MGA van der Heijden, M Kawata, S Kéfi, NJB Kraft, KS McCann, PJ Mumby, T Nakashizuka, OL Petchey, TN Romanuk, KN Suding, G Takimoto, J Urabe, S Yachi. Sustaining ecosystem functions in a changing world: a call for an integrated approach. Journal of Applied Ecology 50(5), 1124–1130 (2013).
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  • JA Dunne, KD Lafferty, AP Dobson, RF Hechinger, AM Kuris, ND Martinez, JP McLaughlin, KN Mouritsen, R Poulin, K Reise, DB Stouffer, DW Thieltges, RJ Williams, CD Zander. Parasites affect food web structure primarily through increased diversity and complexity. PLoS Biology 11(6), e1001579 (2013).
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  • RM Thompson, U Brose, JA Dunne, RO Hall, S Hladyz, RL Kitching, ND Martinez, H Rantala, T Romanuk, DB Stouffer, JM Tylianakis. Food webs: Reconciling the structure and function of biodiversity. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 27(12), 689–697 (2012).
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  • DB Stouffer, M Sales-Pardo, MI Sirer, J Bascompte. Evolutionary conservation of species' roles in food webs. Science 335(6075), 1489–1492 (2012).
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  • AM Poole, DB Stouffer, JM Tylianakis. 'Ecosystomics': ecology by sequencer. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 27(6), 309–310 (2012).
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  • S Saavedra, DB Stouffer, B Uzzi, J Bascompte. Strong contributors to network persistence are the most vulnerable to extinction. Nature 478(7368), 233–235 (2011).
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  • DB Stouffer, EL Rezende, LAN Amaral. The role of body mass in diet contiguity and food-web structure. Journal of Animal Ecology 80(3), 632–639 (2011).
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  • DB Stouffer, J Bascompte. Compartmentalization increases food-web persistence. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 108(9), 3648–3652 (2011).
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  • R Guimerà, DB Stouffer, M Sales-Pardo, EA Leicht, MEJ Newman, LAN Amaral. Origin of compartmentalization in food webs. Ecology 91(10), 2941–2951 (2010).
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  • MA Fortuna, DB Stouffer, JM Olesen, P Jordano, D Mouillot, BR Krasnov, R Poulin, J Bascompte. Nestedness versus modularity in ecological networks: two sides of the same coin? Journal of Animal Ecology 79(4), 811–817 (2010).
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  • DB Stouffer, J Bascompte. Understanding food-web persistence from local to global scales. Ecology Letters 13(2), 154–161 (2010).
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  • DB Stouffer. Scaling from individuals to networks in food webs. Functional Ecology 24(1), 44–51 (2010).
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  • RD Malmgren, DB Stouffer, ASLO Campanharo, LAN Amaral. On universality in human correspondence activity. Science 325(5948), 1696–1700 (2009).
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  • J Bascompte, DB Stouffer. The assembly and disassembly of ecological networks. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London B 364(1524), 1781–1787 (2009).
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  • RD Malmgren, DB Stouffer, A Motter, LAN Amaral. A Poissonian explanation for heavy tails in e-mail communication. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 105(47), 18153–18158 (2008).
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  • DB Stouffer, CA Ng, LAN Amaral. Ecological engineering and sustainability: A new opportunity for chemical engineering. AIChE Journal 54(12), 3040–3047 (2008).
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  • DB Stouffer, J Camacho, W Jiang, LAN Amaral. Evidence for the existence of a robust pattern of prey selection in food webs. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B 274(1621), 1931–1940 (2007).
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  • J Camacho, DB Stouffer, LAN Amaral. Quantitative analysis of the local structure of food webs. Journal of Theoretical Biology 246(2), 260–268 (2007).
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  • DB Stouffer, J Camacho, LAN Amaral. A robust measure of food web intervality. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 103(50), 19015–19020 (2006).
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  • DB Stouffer, J Camacho, R Guimerà, CA Ng, LAN Amaral. Quantitative patterns in the structure of model and empirical food webs. Ecology 86(5), 1301–1311 (2005).
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  • CRP Brown, DB Stouffer. Simplifying species interaction matrices by grouping: optimal groupings differ between effects and responses. bioRxiv

  • B Arroyo-Correa, I Bartomeus, P Jordano, EF Cagua, DB Stouffer. Integrating intraspecific variation into population dynamics reveals how interacting species persist in mutualistic communities. bioRxiv

  • RS Lennox, AR McIntosh, HR Lai, DB Stouffer, NC Boddy, C Zammit, JD Tonkin. Introduced trout hinder the recovery of native fish following an extreme flood disturbance. bioRxiv

  • ML Marraffini, NJ Sanders, MK Sundquist, AT Classen, JR Deslippe, JS He, JR McLaren, C Rixen, S Wipf, C Chisholm, J Giejsztowt, C Prager, DB Stouffer. Variable responses of alpine-plant communities to warming and loss of dominant species. bioRxiv

  • HR Lai, DC Burcham, JW Wang, DB Stouffer, DW Qiu, ATK Yee. Gaining insights into the life-history strategies of tropical tree species from a large urban inventory dataset. EcoEvoRxiv

  • E Delmas, DB Stouffer, T Poisot. Food web structure alters ecological communities top-heaviness with little effect on the biodiversity-functioning relationship. bioRxiv

  • EF Cagua, A Lustig, JM Tylianakis, DB Stouffer. Environment affects specialisation of plants and pollinators. bioRxiv

  • EF Cagua, HJ Marrero, JM Tylianakis, DB Stouffer. The trade-offs of sharing pollinators: pollination service is determined by the community context. bioRxiv

  • B Bramon Mora, AR Cirtwill, DB Stouffer. pymfinder: a tool for the motif analysis of binary and quantitative complex networks. bioRxiv

  • T Poisot, DB Stouffer. How ecological networks evolve. bioRxiv

Book chapters

Book chapters

  • DB Stouffer, MA Fortuna, J Bascompte
    Ideas for moving beyond structure to dynamics of ecological networks.
    in S Boccaletti, V Latora, and Y Moreno (eds.), Handbook on Biological Networks. World Scientific Publishing Company, Singapore, pp. 307–328 (2008).